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-/Unity3D 5.x

유니티3D 작동 중인 플랫폼 확인하기.

by Planetis 2015. 7. 25.


public static RuntimePlatform platform;

RuntimePlatform 값을 리턴함으로 이 것을 이용하여 조건문을 짜려면,

아래와 같은 방식으로 이용하면 된다.

if( Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Windows.Player )

RuntimePlatform 레퍼런스 : http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/RuntimePlatform.html

런타임플랫폼의 값

OSXEditor In the Unity editor on Mac OS X.

OSXPlayer In the player on Mac OS X.

WindowsPlayer In the player on Windows.

OSXWebPlayer In the web player on Mac OS X.

OSXDashboardPlayer In the Dashboard widget on Mac OS X.

WindowsWebPlayer In the web player on Windows.

WindowsEditor In the Unity editor on Windows.

IPhonePlayer In the player on the iPhone.

XBOX360 In the player on the XBOX360.

PS3      - In the player on the Play Station 3.

Android In the player on Android devices.

LinuxPlayer In the player on Linux.

WebGLPlayer In the player on WebGL?

WSAPlayerX86 In the player on Windows Store Apps when CPU architecture is X86.

WSAPlayerX64 - In the player on Windows Store Apps when CPU architecture is X64.

WSAPlayerARM In the player on Windows Store Apps when CPU architecture is ARM.

WP8Player     In the player on Windows Phone 8 device.

TizenPlayer In the player on Tizen.

PSP2       In the player on the PS Vita.

PS4           In the player on the Playstation 4.

XboxOne      In the player on Xbox One.

SamsungTVPlayer In the player on Samsung Smart TV.

