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오래된 기록/Unity3D 5.x

LitJSON은 float 을 지원하지 않는 것으로 보인다.

by Planetis 2015. 3. 5.

LitJSON Limitations/Warnings

The library seems pretty good, but a few major things I've noticed when serializing/deserializing a class:

  • LitJSON only outputs/inputs public variables.
    • Not a bad thing necessarily - you might like to use private for things you don't want output.
  • LitJSON outputs (public) const values, but will (not suprisingly) fail trying to import consts.
    • You may need to move these consts elsewhere or make them private.
  • LitJSON crashes if you try to output (public) float!
    • This is the nastiest problem. My workaround was to make any (public) reals I needed public double.
    • Any public float will produce an error message like this:
      JsonException: Max allowed object depth reached while trying to export from type System.Single
      LitJson.JsonMapper.WriteValue (System.Object obj, LitJson.JsonWriter writer, Boolean writer_is_private, Int32 depth)

위키에서 가져온 제한 및 경고.

LitJSON - 무조건 public 변수를 사용 하여야함.

LitJSON - 상수를 가져오려하면 실패함.

LitJSON - float을 지원하지 않음! (하지만 double은 잘 됨.)

그 외

LitJSON - iOS에서 직렬화가 되지 않는다는 정보가 있음.

# http://lbv.github.io/litjson/docs/quickstart.html

# http://lbv.github.io/litjson/


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